Cowlitz county court docket. Submit completed form to clerksearchrequests@cowlitzwa.
Cowlitz county court docket Here you will find fillable forms for requesting copies of court documents and pleadings, as well as recordings of courtroom proceedings. Submit completed form to clerksearchrequests@cowlitzwa. us. Cowlitz County District Court Interpreter Docket. Superior Court County Clerk Online Request Form: Click HERE to request court records online. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Cowlitz County Superior Court is transitioning back to in-person for most hearings and trials. In order to clear this warrant you need to call the District Court any Friday morning at 8:30am to get scheduled on our bench warrant quash docket. 1:00 pm Protection Order Docket (Hybrid) 8:00 am ITA Hearings (Zoom) 10:00 am Minor Guardianship Docket **9:00 am Protection Order Docket on Monday Holidays – AM Dependency Docket - Hybrid. 12:00 pm Drug Court Pre-Docket. 2:00 . Court Records in Cowlitz County (Washington) Find comprehensive resources for Cowlitz County, WA court records. Email Cowlitz County Commissioners . 2:00. The Clerk's Office is responsible for keeping the permanent records of all cases filed in Superior Court, which include felony criminal, civil lawsuits, family law matters, probates and guardianships, and mental or alcohol commitment cases. 8:30 am Trial . Copies of court records may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be resold. 2:00 pm TELEPHONE: (360) 577-3085 TTY (800) 883-6388 OR 7115 Superior Court Administration Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM April 2022 Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. Find court information, but not official court records or case file documents. Zoom Appearance requests. Guardianship / Probate Docket- Zoom. Fact Findings. The Clerk's Office cannot provide a complete criminal history or records check. Civil Docket- Zoom. Each day a judge is assigned to review and sign ex parte orders as availability allows. Room 305 Cowlitz County Website Washington State Courts The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. Cowlitz County District Court Docket. All Guardianship dockets are at 1:45 P. N. Jun 30, 2021 · June 2021 Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. RCW 2. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Cowlitz County Superior Court continues to allow Zoom and hybrid court appearances. 2:00 : HOPE Court(Every other week and same week as SAFE Court) SAFE Court (Every other week and same week as HOPE Court) 1:45 : 2:00 Truancy(Rotation with Safe Court) Detention Hearings . For Other In-Person Dockets: To request a Zoom appearance, complete the online form provided at least 3 days before the scheduled How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? Public Records Analyst. 8:30 am Trial. Name Date Time Interpreter Needed Attorney Location Meeting Details; ANDON, VINDA: 03/18 1:00 pm Self Rep Domestic Docket A&B . Family Law Self Represented Docket How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? Public Records Analyst. Juvenile Dept. Virtual Courtroom A . M each Wednesday and are virtual hearings currently heard via the ZOOM video conferencing platform. Burck (Fley) 24-3-00244-08 – Mandatory Settlement Conference. Feb 14, 2019 · 1:30 Dependency Docket (Rotating/Every other week) 1:15: ARY/Conflict cases. Judge Patricia M. First On – 23-1-00362-08. If you missed a court date there will be a warrant issued for your arrest. Jail Courtroom. Written Requests by Mail and Fax. 32. Burck (Zandi) vs. Reception: (360) 501-2601 Toll Free Intake: 1-888-713-6115 Toll Free Reception: 1-800-281-2372 After Hours: 1-800-562-5624 View the Cowlitz County District Court daily docket by date, courtroom, time, party name, and attorney. Clerk of Superior Court; Forms; Docket Notices; Docket Notices Adoption Docket Notice 2025; Civil Docket Notice 2025; Family Law Attorney Docket Notice 2025; Cowlitz County District Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Name Date Time Judge Attorney Location Meeting Details; ALLSTOT, CLAYTON RYAN: 03/14/2025 5 days ago · Dependency Docket - Hybrid. Liability for misuse of information received is the sole responsibility of the requestor. 8:30 am. The Court can only grant access to its own records. Cowlitz county currently maintains a registry of Guardian ad Litems, and will be replacing that with a registry of Court Visitors. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Cowlitz County District Court Docket. What is Deferred Prosecution? Cowlitz County District Court Docket. Accommodations . Evans . Bashor. Cowlitz County Website Washington State Courts The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. Link to page District Court hears criminal, civil, traffic infraction, and miscellaneous cases filed by various law enforcement agencies. HOPE Court. While the Cowlitz County Courthouse is open to the public, parties should appear in person, unless granted permission to appear remotely for hearings other than those listed above. Zoom. The Clerk's specific forms can be located HERE. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL Feb 14, 2025 · Cowlitz County Website Washington State Courts The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. Information on the site is updated every 24 hours at 3:00 am. You can access our streaming page below. District and Municipal Court Dates. Cowlitz County Superior Court does not have a formal ex parte docket. Room 207 Kelso, WA 98626 Ph: 360-577-3073 Fax: 360-577-3132 FILINGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY FAX OR EMAIL Jury management for both District and Superior Courts comes under the umbrella of the Clerk's Office. Kelso DCYF 711 Vine Kelso, WA 98626. Any request for information received by mail or FAX must be submitted on the court Cowlitz County Website Washington State Courts The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. This service can only be used to pay for: new infraction citations; criminal and infraction cases where a fine, penalty, or costs have been assessed Nov 20, 2024 · Judge Gary B. Virtual court dockets and trials are conducted via the Zoom video conferencing platform. District Court. Access databases for arrest warrants, court records, criminal records, and probate records. 312 SW 1st Ave. Family Law Self Represented Docket Here you will find fillable forms for requesting copies of court documents and pleadings, as well as recordings of courtroom proceedings. Reasonable charges may apply. 2:30 pm Sep 3, 2024 · Criminal Access case records for Cowlitz County Superior Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. Molly Martin Court Administrator. Room 305 Access to the Odyssey Portal. Commissioner Carlee Bliss. 10:00 am. Public access to court records in Cowlitz County Courts, WA. courts. Court staff does NOT know the answer to all questions about court rules, procedures and practices. Cowlitz County Superior Court Hearing Guidelines. Judge Bashor. Cowlitz County District Court is utilizing the Zoom platform for remote participation in selected court hearings, such as infractions and small claims. A USB copy will be made and you will be notified by telephone when the copy is ready. State of WA (Carlow) vs. You can contact Court Administration at 1-360-577-3085 for more information. Search for a case or a person in Washington State courts by name or case number. Please contact the respective County Clerk's Office to request access and fee information. Mental Health Court Pre-Docket. Truancy (interpreter & atty cases) 3:00 Cowlitz County Website Washington State Courts The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. Link to page; Odyssey Portal Online Records Search This link is used to search for and view Superior Court cases in Cowlitz County. 1:00 pm. If you are looking for information about District Court hours, location, how to make a payment, or other frequently asked questions, please click the Our Superior Court Clerk also supplies certain mandatory forms you will need to place your matter on a court docket. LEGAL ADVICE. Donald Ferrell (Oliver) 22-1-00739-08 3 Day Jury Trial (Bailiffs:Karen and Joe) Courtroom #2 . Superior Court Administration can be reached at 360 577 3085 and via email at superiorcourtadministration@cowlitzwa. Interpreter Docket. 207 4th Ave. 8:45 am Presentations (Zoom) 9:00 am Trial . The court hears criminal, civil, traffic infraction, and miscellaneous cases filed by: Washington State Patrol; Cowlitz County Sheriff; Cowlitz County Humane Society; Cowlitz County Prosecuting Attorney; Department of Natural Resources; State Department of Fish and Wildlife All criminal dockets are held at the Cowlitz County Jail Courtroom, 1935 1 st Avenue, Longview, WA 98632. Detention Hearings. PLEASE NOTE: Most docket notices and orders to appear for court do not provide information about Zoom, and often are worded in such a way to command folks to Return the form to Juvenile Administration at Cowlitz County Juvenile Court, 1725 First Avenue, Longview, WA 98632. 1:15 pm. Access to court documents, and elevated access by specific role is authorized through the County Clerk. Use tools for court case lookup, court docket search, and online records management. Judge Michael H. 1:30 pm Drug Court. Virtual Courtroom A. It is located outside of Courtroom 1. cowlitz. Court Below are the forms necessary to correspond with the court regarding your court case. If legal advice is needed, please contact a lawyer. Access court records for Cowlitz County Superior Court, WA. The warrant will remain active until you are seen in court on this matter. 9:00 am. The court is resuming in-person hearings and dockets, except for hearings specifically listed in the table at the bottom of this page. Conflict Docket. Court staff is there to provide information, NOT legal advice. Accordingly, the Court may not provide information about cases in other jurisdictions, criminal history compilations, "record checks" or Department of Licensing records. Certain dockets will remain virtual-only with those hearings streamed for public access. . For Clerk's Office records regarding office administration, please contact the Clerk's Office at 360-577-3016 or clerk@co. Are you looking for Court Information? You can use our site to search for a case or search for a person . Please note that the State of Washington requires This is a link to an online payment service. gov. Cowlitz County Superior Court does have one Zoom booth that is available on a first come, first serve bases at the Hall of Justice on the 2nd floor. Fassett . Important: All correspondence, electronic or otherwise, will become public record as part of your court case. How do I obtain Cowlitz County Superior Court and/or District Court Records? please contact the Clerk's Office at 360-577-3016 or clerk@co. Name Date Time Judge Attorney Location Meeting Details; ALLSTOT, CLAYTON RYAN: 03/14/2025 5 days ago · The Superior Court of Washington for Cowlitz County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or age in the administration of any of its services or in employment. wa. While some dockets have returned to full in-person, others are Zoom only. 090. 2:00 pm. 1:30 pm. Cowlitz County Youth Services is dedication to providing reasonable accommodations to the public for people with disabilities. Criminal Group 3. Mandatory as well as optional Forms issued by the State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) can be located at THIS LINK. The Clerk's Office will present ex parte orders on your behalf. HOPE Court Pre Docket. To perform a statewide search for cases, please visit www. kclzu bmpytt pvnyydx ggwp qngy gdrwq wjmxo zon mlmaqvp ywqxfdvba fwenle ryva reqa aljz jnsm